
Showing posts from June, 2010

samarpan meditation

What is the Kundalini? Why is it so significant in life? At the base of the spinal cord every human being has a powerful, yet dormant source of energy. This source is known as the Muladhar Chakra from which three subtle channels known as Naadis rise up through the spine and reach thew brain. The middle Naadi is known as Sushumna while on its either sides are the Ida and Pingla. At five other centres of highly concentrated energy, called Chakras, along the spinal column, these three Naadis come together and then again divide into three channels as they rise further. Thus including the Muladhar there are various Chakras in which very powerful energy lies dormant and once they are activated a human gains amazing divine powers like Telepathy, Hypnotism, Clairvoyance. In fact complete success in life in any and every sphere can come only through the activation of all the Chakras and it is with this aim that true Yogis remain engaged in Sadhanas. But this process can be very intricate and di...
Awakening Of Kundalini Time flies by, ages pass away and names of even the so called great men are wiped off from the pages of history. Yet some defy even the Power of Time and continue to shine through eternity. These are the names of the enlightened ones who dedicated their lives to search for the truth, for the Divine. Their sole aim in life was to attain totality and this they could achieve through awakening of the Kundalini. The human body is the most excellent boon conferred by the Almighty and the person who comprehends his own body completely, realises the subtle mysteries of the entire universe. All universal faculties are concentrated as the force of life inside a human body which the scriptures term as the vital power (Pran Shakti). The condensed form of the same vital forces is known as 'Kundalini Shakti' which is the rock bottom of all the energies and power of action inherent in a human being. As this divine power remains dormant just like the coil of a snake, it...